Pigment Red 185-Corimax Red HF4C
Technical parameters of Pigment Red 185
Farveindeks nr. | Pigment Red 185 |
Produktnavn | Corimax Red HF4C |
Produktkategori | Organisk pigment |
CAS-nummer | 51920-12-8 |
EU-nummer | 257-515-0 |
Kemisk familie | benzimidazolon |
Molekylær vægt | 560.63 |
Molekylformel | C27H24N6O6S |
PH-værdi | 6.5 |
Massefylde | 1.5 |
Olieabsorption (ml / 100 g)% | 50 |
Let hurtighed (belægning) | 6 |
Varmemodstand (belægning) | 180 |
Lysstyrke (plast) | 5-6 |
Varmemodstand (plast) | 240 |
Vandafvisende | 5 |
Oliebestandighed | 5 |
Syrebestandighed | 5 |
Alkali modstand | 5 |
Farve | ![]() |
Nuancefordeling |
Corimax Red HF4C is a yellow shade red pigment, with good Easily dispersed, high strength, excellent weather fastness.
Anbefales til industriel maling, pulverbelægning, trykpasta, PVC, gummi, PS, PP, PE, PU, vandbaseret trykfarve, opløsningsmiddelfarve, UV-blæk.
Suggested for building automotive paint, building paint, coil steel coating, offset ink.
Relateret information
Pigment Red 185 gives a blue-red color with a hue angle of 358.0 degrees (1 / 3SD, HDPE). It is almost completely insoluble in general organic solvents and resistant to sterilization. Heat resistance in printing ink is 220 ℃ / 10min, suitable for metal decoration and laminated plastic film printing ink, light fastness is 6-7 (1 / 1SD); used for plastic coloring, resistance to migration in soft PVC Good performance, light fastness grade 6-7 (1 / 3SD), also used for PE coloring, heat resistance <200 ℃, and polypropylene original pulp coloring.
aliaser:2-Naphthalenecarboxamide, N-(2,3-dihydro-2-oxo-1H-benzimidazol-5-yl)-3-hydroxy-4-((2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-((methylamino)sulfonyl)phenyl)azo)-; 2-Naphthalenecarboxamide, N-(2,3-dihydro-2-oxo-1H-benzimidazol-5-yl)-3-hydroxy-4-(2-(2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-((methylamino)sulfonyl)phenyl)diazenyl)-; N-(2,3-Dihydro-2-oxo-1H-benzimidazol-5-yl)-3-hydroxy-4-((2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-((methylamino)sulphonyl)phenyl)azo)naphthalene-2-carboxamide; 12516; Deep Scarlet; Permanent Carmine HF4C; Peony Red [HO]; ; (4Z)-4-{2-[2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-(methylsulfamoyl)phenyl]hydrazinylidene}-3-oxo-N-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-benzimidazol-5-yl)-3,4-dihydronaphthalene-2-carboxamide
Fysiske og kemiske egenskaber:
Nuance eller lys: strålende blå lys rød
Relative density: 1.45
Masse massefylde / (lb / gal): 11,2-11.6
Average particle size / μm: 180
Partikelform: lille flage
Specific surface area / (m2 / g): 45; 43-47
pH-værdi / (10% opslæmning): 6,5
Oil absorption / (g / 100g): 97
Dækstyrke: gennemsigtig type